It’s no secret just how much I love wheat germ oil. It is absolutely one of my favorite ceramides and I incorporate it in every wash day. I wanted to begin the ceramide series with one of my tops oils and share the benefits of wheat germ oil. I have been reaping the benefits of this wonderful oil for years and it has never let me down.

What is Wheat Germ Oil?
- Omega 3
- Zinc
- Niacin
- Vitamin B6
- Calcium
- Potassium
Most importantly, wheat germ oil contains a large amount of Vitamin E that is beneficial internally and externally. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is found in a number of products. Like many other oils, usage of wheat germ oil is possible internally and externally. I personally am not able to add it to any foods or drinks to take it internally because of the thick sticky consistency. However, I absolutely use it every chance I can externally.
Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil for Hair:
- Add Strength
- Prevents loss of protein and moisture
- Adds shine to dull hair
How Do I Use Wheat Germ Oil?
I add 1 to 2 Tablespoons of wheat germ oil to any conditioner or product I am using as a pre-poo. Also, I add one ounce to my hot oil mixtures. Lastly, I mixed one teaspoon with another thinner carrier oil to seal my ends.
If you are not into mixing products, I would recommend Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Extra Moisture Transitioning Milk and Aubrey Organic’s Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner.

Have you tried wheat germ oil? How do you use it? What results have you seen after using the oil?
Hello, must I apply Wheat Germ Oil in a capsule form onto my face before a sunscreen, serum and moisturizer instead of buying expensive Ceramide capsules? Will is make a difference to a 62 year olds skin?
The most inexpensive form of Wheat Germ Oil is to buy an actual bottle of the oil. It lasts longer and the price is less than $8. Ceramides will help at any age.
Ahhh, ok. I use about a palmful. I then put some conditioner on top. It helps to absorb any excess oil.
Have you ever tried oil rinsing with it?
No, I tried it but could never get into it.