It is time to have a little fun today. A few years ago, I was on one of my favorite hair forums and we were chatting about “You know your hair is long if…” I thought it would be fun to bring the topic the blog. Unfortunately, when I was ready to share my post, Dom aka Long Hair Don’t Care on Youtube passed away. So posting then just didn’t seem like the right time.
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts and commercials with the #lhdc hashtag and I thought it would be a good time to share and have a few giggles. I will say for me it’s not long care don’t care but more like long hair do hair. I don’t care is someone is mad about the length but I do care about what happens to my hair. LOL! There are certain situations that involve my hair that are deal breakers and might getcha cut, no just kidding…kinda!
I don’t know about you but I have spent too much time and money growing my hair and building my overall hair health to let things that cause damage “slide”. Therefore, there are certain things that will cause me to pause and give someone the side-eye.
Now, are you ready to have a little fun with this post? Be sure to leave your no no’s below. I am curious to see what everyone has to say.
1. Seatbelt Snagger – There is nothing worse that turning your head or going to move around in a car only to find out that you’ve somehow managed to get your hair tangled in the seatbelt. My hair has snatched me up like, ” Oh, you thought you were going somewhere? No ma’am!”
2. Clothes Grabber– Let me tell you that hearing your hair snag on clothing is one of the worst sounds in the world. I swear I let out a slow-mo “Noooooo!” when I hear it happening to me. Not to mention when I feel my hair catch on a sweater or some other piece of clothing, I immediately start praying that it didn’t do too much damage…literally I start talking to God, “God, please don’t let that be as bad as it feels!” I’m sure I get this side eye on that one but I can’t help myself. What’s worse is when people say,”Oh! You won’t miss one or two strands.” Umm…I need all of my strands of hair, please and thank you! Mmmk!
3. Coloring Gone Wrong – There is something about long hair in a ponytail that makes men lose their minds, but I’m not here for it. I’m not a Chia Pet or a pony, don’t pet or pull my hair. So if my significant other pulls my hair while coloring, play time is over. I’m packing up my coloring book and I’m out! I’ll have him sitting there playing with his crayons alone. Humph!
4. Clips From Hell – Let me be honest, I have a serious stash of hair clips. I’ve been wearing my hair in a bun lately but to minimize breakage, I put my hair up in a clip when I get home. The thing that gives me the most anxiety is when my hair gets wrapped up in a clip. When I notice it, I have to pause and take a deep breath. Then I have to take my time untangling my hair from the clip, being suuuuper careful. I refuse to cut a chunk of my hair out, so I will pick at it for as long as it takes. But you know when it first happens a wave of fear hits and I start talking to my hair. LOL! Don’t act like I’m the only person that has conversations with her hair!
5. Drain Clogger – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve managed to clog my drain. Seriously, in my old house, I always kept a bottle of the gel Draino just in case. At one point, my property manager had to send the plumber out and he slyly mentioned there was a ton of hair clogging the drain. You know I stood there and played dumb but on the inside, I was saying, “Oh damn! I gots to be more careful!” LOL! One day, I was wandering through Walmart and I ran across a plastic drain cover with little teeth. I wasn’t sure about the design but I gave it a try. I love that thing…life saver! It’s just funny that I have so much hair that I had to purchase a special cover for my drain! LOL
6. Don’t Stop Get It, Get It! – The main complaint I hear from ladies with long hair is the amount of time that it takes to detangle. It doesn’t matter if you are relaxed or natural, you might as well plan to spend your day at the house working on your hair. Go on and grab some snack and a glass of grapes. LOL! I know I have to call a time out during the process for a snack break. I don’t know what’s worse, going to the salon on a Saturday or a wash day for long haired girls. Nevermind, I’m going with being at a salon all damn day. LOL! Did I mention the amount of conditioner one goes through in a month? I need to buy stock in some of my favorite hair companies because I go through bottles of conditioner like there is no tomorrow. Can I just get everything in a gallon container? That would make me exceptionally happy! Meanwhile, shampoo will last me for years…something is seriously wrong with that picture. Sigh!
Anyhoo, that’s just a few things that are constant. Sometimes, I have to sit back and laugh at my response to certain hair situations. The funniest one being hitting folks hands and arms when they trying to touch my hair. Umm…do you want to keep those fingers or nah? LOL!
Tell me what are some of the things you’ve noticed or experience with having long hair or thick hair that gives you a good giggle.
Very Nice Expalnation, actually my hair is too long and I want to take care of my hair.Thanks to you for giving me a wonderful tips. Keep share articles on long hair and healthy hair.
Dear Tiki,
This is so hilarious! thank you! I was completely running out of ideas for my long hair and this is soo goooood! Did you talk of getting your hair tangled in the seatbelt?I swear, you have given me some goose bumbs.No doubt that long hair can be a nuisance at times considering the amount of time taken to detangle it.Tiki, one of my most ‘giggling’ experiences was seeing a lady leave a her long weave in a PSV as she alighted. I swear, I had fallen for it, little did I know it was an ‘attachment.’