In this video, I share my journey from Bra Strap Length (BSL) hair to Waist Length (WL). I made a ton of progress during this period, but my biggest challenge has been being scissor-happy! This video documents my waist-length hair journey with the setbacks along the way. I did continue to use my regimen and I noticed more growth spurts from frequent co-washing and using Ayurveda powders.
It didn’t take long for me to make it from BSL to WL, but each time I got there, I would cut back to Mid Back Length (MBL) for one reason or another. Doing so caused some issues along the way that you will see in the video.
My desire for blunt ends seems to be my biggest downfall. I’ve given up on that and just accepted that my hair grows in a V. When my hair hits my final goal of Classic Length, I will work on maintaining a blunt cut. For now, I’m just going to let it be…as long as it’s healthy.
Both pics below were taken on my old iPhone. Thank God for camera upgrades! lol
In the pic below, my hair was blow-dried and not flat ironed.
I’m still growing so be sure to subscribe to my channel and blog. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Don’t forget to subscribe.
In case you missed my previous hair growth journey picture…see them here: Big Chop to BSL Hair Journey.
Thanks for watching!
This video and post were re-uploaded due to music. I am now past WL. Please check the search bar for recent length check posts.
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