What a crazy week! I have been moving no stop with projects and my wash day almost did not happen. I’ve been busy with creating a plan for both blogs and my personal life, conference calls, Twitter parties…you name it and I’ve done it this week. Currently, I am 26 weeks post texlax. I was supposed to texlax last week, but my hair is still behaving and there is no point in texlaxing at the moment. I decided to show you how I do a wash n go on texlaxed hair.
I have been a little bad. I cut two small sections at my nape to check my curls. It looks like my curls in the back have loosened to match the top, but I can’t call it for real. I keep playing with the curls and they are so purdy. I am trying to resist the urge to cut my hair.
Anywho, my hair was a little dry this week because I did not moisturize and seal last week. I mean…not at all. My hair was dry as the Sahara…almost cut myself running through my hair. I had to work hard this week to get my moisture levels back up and make Cherelle happy with me again.
Wash Day | Wash N Go Process:
Pre-poo – Mixed Cholesterol conditioner, extra virgin olive oil, and one tablespoon of raw honey before steaming for 30 minutes.
Shampoo – I am prepping for a wash n go for a video, and I pulled one of my favorite shampoos for curly hair out of my stash. I have two brands that I used while I was natural and this one is hard to find. It’s Back to Basics Jasmine Curl Refreshing Shampoo.
Conditioner – I used the coordinating conditioner, Back to Basics Jasmine Curl Refreshing Conditioner.
Leave –ins – Wet n Wavy Gel Activator
Styling Products – L.A. Looks Wet Look Gel
The products used are almost the same as my natural days. I had to search eBay to find the shampoo and conditioner set a few years back. My local BSS had to special order the Wet n Wavy Gel for me, so I bought the entire case. I think I am down to three containers now. Don’t judge me!
OK, I added this pic because Jen and Jay are always messing with me about my facial expressions. I saw this pic in the bunch and couldn’t resist. LOL!
Wash N Go Styling Notes:
I normally put my hair up into four clips to lock the curl in and after an hour or so, I take my hair down to air dry. In total, it takes my hair 1 to 2 hours to dry. I have low porosity hair and it does not take long for it to dry.
Maintaining My Wash N Go:
When I wash n go on a regular, I do not attempt to maintain the style during the week. I simply co-wash the next day and redo the process. Call me crazy but I have been known to go out during winter with wet hair. No, I don’t get sick. LOL! Now, if I do decide to maintain the style and not co-wash the next day, I put my hair up in a pineapple and cover it with a bonnet that ties at the top.
Read more Full wash day posts covering various topics
I love how my hair turned out and I think it is a good compromise to cutting and going natural. My wash day experience gave me something to think about. I might have to revisit my regimen from years ago when I was texlaxed and doing wash n gos daily. I will keep you all posted on what I decide.
What products do you use for your wash n gos?
Yeah, that texture you got going on is thick and lovely! 26 weeks post. That is quite stretch! Hair is looking good.
Thank you! I didn’t intend to stretch this long but Cherrelle is behaving at the moment.
I wish I could wash and just go. My hair doesn’t like it. Keeping up a blog can be time consuming if you want to do it right. I am glad you had a few minutes to wash your hair.
Yes, blog work is hard work. I have to make time for my hair.
I lubbbbs your hair! Gimme those glasses too! It’s on these skreets for a glasses wearer.
Your facial expressions though? Priceless Lol. It’s half side eye, half stank eye, half take it or leave it.
Thanks! I’ve had them for years, Versace. You know I’m cheap, so I just change the lenses. LOL! I didn’t even realize I made the face until I was looking through the pics. I had to post this just for y’all. LOL
lol — I ain’t mad about you changing the lenses. Smart move.
The texture in your WNG is beautiful! Does it take long to dry? How to you maintain it through the week?
Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!
Thank you! As long as I don’t use a ton of product, my hair dries fairly quickly. I normally don’t maintain it during the week, but if I am feeling lazy, I will pineapple and put a bonnet on to save it. If not, I just complete the process the next day. It only takes me a few mins to get it together.