The last two years have been an adventure and a learning experience for me. I’ve learned just how strong I am and more about myself as a person. A few years ago, a near-fatal car accident changed my entire life. I went from outgoing and fun-loving to a recluse. I’ve always been a walking contradiction because when you first meet me, I’m super shy. However, once I get to know you, you get to see the real me and you know I cuts up. I think it has something to do with being an only child, but I’m not sure. I like to sit back and observe before I just jump into a situation.
Anywho, I think after the accident life slowed down for me. I didn’t go out to as many events because I was terrified to drive. Shoot! It took almost two years for me to feel comfy riding with other people, so driving was completely out of the question. I didn’t overcome my fear of driving until a month or so ago when I drove home. Please believe I was a hot terrified mess the whole way there and most of the way back. I say about halfway home, I finally got comfortable and stopped squeezing the hell out of the steering wheel.
If you read my spa day post, you will remember me mentioning that I held onto the steering wheel so tight that my hands were super tense when my therapist tried to massage them…no joke, my hands had changed colors and everything. A mess! Jesus really needed to take the wheel!
What made me drive home was finally making up my mind to overcome my fears this year. It was the first step of me taking my life back. I lived so many years being afraid of my ex-husband, death, driving, and so many other things. Just in case you missed it, I suffer from PTSD courtesy of my mother’s sudden death in front of me and my abusive ex-husband. I also had other health issues after the accident that caused a touch of depression. Moving right along…I won’t bore you with the deets. Funny enough, I went to graduate school to get a MA in Mental Health Counseling. Yep! My intent with that was to help my oldest daughter. I knew she had some issues and I took her to therapy…I really wanted to learn more and figure out how I could help her. Plus, I’m a professional student. Let’s call it what it is…I loves ta learn! LOL! Call me a nerd…I don’t care!
Well, I’m in a great place overall. I’m healthy and I’m not hurting like I was before. I’ve finally learned to listen to my body and I slow down before my body goes on strike. I finally realized that putting myself first was a must and I wasn’t selfish for doing so. The weight is coming off again. I’m pretty dang happy right now!
I have to admit…Over the last couple of years, the blog has suffered because I would overexert myself to the point that I made myself sick. Then I would have to take a break and it somehow became a cycle of me pushing things back and never doing what I truly enjoyed doing. I love blogging and I love YouTube. I honestly would do it if no one read my posts or watched my vids. When I started both, it wasn’t to make money or anything of the sort. It was my online journal to see what techniques and products worked for my hair and skin.
With that said, I’m very proud of the growth that my blog and channel made despite my personal setbacks. I’m looking forward to the future and seeing where my blog will be in another year or so with me devoting most of my time to my community and you. I’m super excited for the things I have in store. I have officially developed a serious case of the f* it’s. You only live once. I’m digging back out the adventurous woman who loves skydiving. Yes, I think jumping out of perfectly good planes is fun. Don’t judge me!
I know a while back I hinted at making changes to both the blog and channel. Over time, I’ve slowly implemented a few things but not to the full extent of my plans. I want Just Tiki to become a place where you know multiple times per week I have something great posted for you to read or watch. I have a ton of posts that have been hanging out in my drafts and I finally said forget being perfect. I stopped doing a number of things because everything wasn’t perfect. I’m now at the point of accepting that things will never be perfect and I need to just do what makes me happy.
With that said, I will continue to make DIY, beauty, weight loss and fitness, nail, and hair content. The only difference is there will be more of it and you will have a reason to stop by and hang out with me more often.
Well…there is one little thing. If you made it this far, congrats because you are about to get the inside scoop. I’m transitioning to natural hair. I’m currently 26 months post. I have a few texlax vids that I want to share on YouTube but after I’m done with those, you will start to see transitioning videos and eventually natural hair care videos. I’ve hinted about going natural but this is my official announcement. I will create a video later explaining why I made the decision to go natural and my long-term plans. Girl, these texlax process vids are wearing my butt out!
I was seriously up until 7 am this morning tossing and turning with the excitement of the things I have planned. The blog is even getting a facelift soon! I’m going all out. I’m moving into a bigger place so that I can have more room and a dedicated space for the blog and channel. Right now, my blog stuff has taken over my living room. I mean, it’s kinda ridiculous but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can finally get to products that I’ve had forever and chat with you about them. Can you tell I’m finally ready to take the plunge?
Hope you are ready to go on this journey with me. Heck, I even want a puppy! I think it’s time. I haven’t had any pets since my ex-husband gave my dog away while I was asleep. smh, I miss having a fur baby and my daughters are older. They don’t need me to mommy them, so why not get a new baby. That poor dog is going to be spoiled as hell. Let’s be honest.
So there you have all of the details of what’s been happening behind the scenes, why I haven’t posted much, and what I have planned. Are you ready to get back to hanging with me three times a week? It’s been so long since I’ve been on my MWF schedule, but I’m ready if you are…
Antionette Blake says
Wow, what a journey you have been on and I am wishing you much happiness and success and you continue on making all your dreams come true!