Years ago when I started my hair growth journey, I added sulfur oil to my regimen. I spent hours on hair boards reading tips and tricks but one of the things that I read and stuck out were the results of using sulfur for hair growth. Over the years, I’ve tweaked my sulfur hair growth recipe but you can find the original version below.
I’ve had great results and the recipe has been in rotation for years. Still to this day, if I need an extra boost in my hair growth, I mix up a batch of the recipe and go for it. Here is my latest batch created with Amla oil.
Before Using the Sulfur Growth Oil Mix
If you decide to mix the recipe below, be sure to do a patch test to check for a sulfur allergy. A few women on the boards did do a patch test and blamed the person who created the recipe for their reaction. I say always patch test if you are using a new product. I’m allergic to many things but luckily, sulfur is not one of those allergens. Whew!
How I Use the Growth Oil Mix
I mix all the sulfur hair growth oil ingredients in a color applicator bottle. The nozzle on the bottle makes it easy to apply directly to the scalp. You don’t want the mixture to come into contact with the length of your hair because it has a drying effect.
I apply the mix section by section and follow it with a nice massage using my scalp massager. After I finish massaging my scalp, I put a plastic cap over my hair and head to bed. In addition to the growth oil mix being great for growth, it’s great for reducing and eliminating dandruff.
Just For Fun
The ladies on one of the hair boards thought it would be fun and motivating to photoshop images of our hair at our long-term goal. Here is a photoshopped pic of what my hair should look like just past Hip Length. It looks more like Tailbone Length (TL). At the end of the day, I made it to Tailbone Length in real life…no photoshop needed.

The Recipe:
1 heaping tsp Sublimed Sulfur Powder
4 oz Organic Jojoba Oil
2 oz Castor Oil
2 oz Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
4-5 drops Rosemary Oil
4-5 drops Tea Tree Oil
6 drops Peppermint Oil
Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that you conduct a patch test. Just Tiki is not responsible for any reactions or damages incurred as a result of using the hair growth oil.
YAY!! Just got my supplies for the challenge. I changed the recipe a little bit.
1 heaping tsp of sublime sulfur powder (De La Cruz brand from amazon)
2 oz jamaican black castor oil (JBCO)
1 oz wild growth light oil moisturizer (since it has a lot of essential oils in it)
3 oz extra virgin olive oil
2 oz peanut oil
It’s now sitting in my cabinet in my applicator bottle and I can’t wait to get started. Oddly, I actually like the sulfur smell.
Let me know how the peanut oil works out. If you have the right sulfur it doesn’t have the rotten egg smell, mine doesn’t
today is the second day I’ve used the sulfur oil mix. Last night I did a cowash and a protein treatment, followed by an overnight DC by baggying my hair. This morning I unwrapped my hair, let it air dry, reapplied the sulfur oil and now I’m wrapped in my baggy again until this afternoon. Tonight I don’t plan on sleeping in the plastic cap, so far, I’m getting a nice tingle when I apply the oil, like I’ve washed my hair with peppermint shampooor something.
LOL @ the rotten egg comment. No it doesn’t smell like rotten eggs, the best i can explain is it smells like a struck match. It’s yellow though. I think this is the right stuff. 🙂 I guess I’ll find out!
That’s how it is supposed to smell but some people have the stinky stuff. LOL. Sounds like you have a good plan going on.
I’m excited! (if you couldn’t tell) *lol*
I can! I can! Don’t forget to massage your scalp after you apply the sulfur mix
Oh I definitely massage daily. Anytime I want to feel the tingle (ah-mazing btw) I just massage my scalp. I do it sometimes 3 or 4 times per day… pretty neat. I’ve never used anything in my hair before this stuff that I could control when I want to feel the tingle! Pretty neat!
LOL! I only applied 1 time per day but I massaged 2x’s per day
Where do you buy the sulfur that does not smell rotten?
I’m so doing this. I know I’m late but I decided to try and see if I can see some faster growth with the sulfur mix. Hopefully I do. I just ordered everything a few days ago and it seems to be taking FOREVER to get here (I’m just anxious to get started).
Wish me luck!
Congrats! Don’t forget to do an allergy test and be sure to keep me posted. I love the result I get when I used sulfur and baggy
Thanks for the reminder about the allergy test! I also forgot to get plastic caps. I’ll ock some up tomorrow. 🙂
Yes, we don’t want you itching like crazy! I’ll be back at it after my texlax later this month
Hehe! Definitely don’t want THAT! I just tracked my packages and I think everything is arriving today!! This is awesome because I didn’t order everything on the same day 🙂 So if I get everything today, I’ll mix it today, let it sit overnight and then do a patch test tomorrow afternoon.
I do have a question: You’re only supposed to use this on your scalp, right? and if so, do you think peanut oil would be a good oil to use to seal the length of my hair? I just found a giant thing of peanut oil in my kitchen that I forgot about.
Yes, you are just supposed to put it on your scalp. No, peanut oil isn’t one of the oils that I’ve seen people seal with
I think I will try this challenge. I may be able to do this!!!
Even if you use it 3 times a week you should see a difference. Plus, it doesn't require too much work
Hi, I'm new to this, how does M&S come into this? Do I moisterise then put the mix or just use the mix alone? thanks in advance 🙂
Hi Candice, Welcome to your healthy hair journey. M&S for me and most are separate. We M&S the length and ends of our hair on the same night as using the sulfur mix. The sulfur mix only goes on your scalp and you really need the moisture on the length to keep any sulfur that may migrate down from drying your hair out. Don't forget the plastic cap to protect your sheets and to keep in the moisture in your hair. Hope this helps:)
That is too funny about the photoshopped pic! Can I get her to do one and make my TWA a nice big azz fro??? haha Good luck on your hair challenge and can't wait to see your results!
LOL! It was on the long hair community. You can probably make your fro lush on photobucket. They've added a lot of photoshop features