I decided to try my first bantu knot set for church today. I wanted curls but I didn’t want to put anymore heat in my hair since I just flat ironed on Thurs. I oiled and massage my scalp with Vatika Oil. Then I lightly oiled the length and ends with Vatika. Before twisting into knots I put a little Afroveda Hemp Seed Lock, Twist, and Roll Butter. I love that stuff!
I have an older jar and I’m not sure if the new one has a different scent. That is the only thing I don’t like about the Hemp Butter. However, the way my knots, twistouts, and braidouts look when I use it, I can deal with the smell. LOL! It reminds my of pancake syrup. Anywho, the picture below is my hair in the knot and the knots once I took them down.
I will admit I did not like the results of my first bantu know out. I have had people compliment the result, but this just wasn’t the look I was going for in the end. I will give it another try using smaller knots and see if that works better for me.
I have attempted bantu knots again. Check out my latest bantu knot post.
Tai Harriss says
Your blog is so amazing! It's informative, beautifully laid out, and fun to read. For that I'd like to present you with *sounds trumpets* the One Lovely Blog Award!http://strandedhhj.blogspot.com/2012/04/one-lovely-blog-acceptance.html
Just Tiki says
Thank you! I'm going to put it up this evening "hopefully" and pass it on.
chelleshock32 says
i've always wondered how the bantu knots looked. I been trying my hand at having thicker hair and the waves from bantu knots i hear are delicious. I hope all your hair goals are met
Just Tiki says
They did not turn out at all how I wanted them. The ends came undone while I was sleeping so I ended up with straight ends. I have a pic on my camera of my bantu knots gone wrong. I will post it this evening.
EbonyCPrincess says
Well the knots look perfect, I can't imagine the end result not being great from this photo!
Just Tiki says
The ends were too straight and it did more of a wave than a curl. The last time I did bantu knots I did them a lot smaller and I had more curls.