If you have a love of at-home hair coloring, you know that using bleach can sometimes be a little painful. It doesn’t have to be and adding Sweet N Low in hair bleach is a quick and inexpensive solution. This trick will work if you are a DIY home bleacher or a professional. Your scalp will thank you!
There is really no known reason why it works. It is one of those things you would never think of and there is no real science behind it but it just works! If there is an explanation, I missed it while researching.
Word of Caution:
If you are an at-home colorist, it’s always better to get this service done at a salon to prevent any hair disasters. However, if you are fearless and determined, this will certainly help your scalp if burning is an issue. Please do a strand test to make sure the burning is not an allergic reaction. There are certain color products that I’m allergic to and I found out the hard way. Trust me an allergic reaction to color on your entire head is no fun!
How To Use Sweet N Low In Hair Bleach
If you bleach and notice that your scalp burns a little, you can add two packs of the pink stuff. Yes, you simply add 1-2 packets to your bleach mix and you should not have any burning for that application.
So the next time you get ready to bleach, remember this tip. As always, I hope this helps. Please subscribe to our mailing list to keep up with the latest hair tips and reviews.
Purchase Sweet n Low here. Do you have a hair tip you would like to share? Had you heard of using Sweet’n Low in hair bleach before reading this post?
Some years ago, my Supercuts model friend had just had her hair bleached/dyed platinum white/blonde. She ran her fingers through my hair while we were talking. The next day, my scalp was on fire. I read the Sweet’N Low tip somewhere on the Internet. I cautiously poured a third of a pack in my wet hand, rubbed my hands together and through my hair. It worked. The burning was gone almost instantly. Maybe its the Cream of Tartar, although I would not want to start another rumor.
Where can i buy and can i put it in my dey also. I am allergish to dey
when doing hair shows in the 70’s and 80’s we were using diet 7up. graduated to just the packets in the 90’s. it works but after 40+ years i still don’t know why!!!
It’s the craziest thing ever! I don’t know how it works either but I’m glad it does. lol
It works. My stylist has been doing for about three years now. Before I could barely tolerate it. Now I don’t dread getting my hair bleached.
What?!?! Good to know!