I am adding a quick note to my hair journal. It’s my weekly update for the week of January 21st. I learned a few lessons that I need to document to keep myself straight throughout this texlax hair journey.
My normal wash day is on Saturdays but this week I was thrown off by school and love. I had an eight-hour class on Saturday morning and we didn’t leave until 5 pm. Unfortunately, when I came home from school I had just enough time to get ready for my date with my boo.
By the time Sunday rolled around, I was super tired, and doing my hair was out of the question. I decided to aim for Monday. Yeah, that didn’t work out too well either because all I managed to do on Monday was add my pre-poo. I didn’t shampoo until Tuesday and that is crazy for me. I am really a creature of habit. Plus, my scalp can’t take all of the delays and procrastination. It starts to cut up after a few days of not being washed.
As a result of my actions, when I finally made it to having a full wash day, I experienced some breakage from the tangles and the amount of shed hair was ridiculous.
I did learn a lesson with all of my nonsense. No matter how busy I am with school and life, I can’t neglect Cherrelle (my hair) and in the end, it was not worth it. I need to create a better plan to balance everything because I know my wash day really takes an entire day.
By the way, I did end up doing a scalp massage and baggying tonight. I’m trying to get my moisture levels back up. The sad part is last week my hair was so happy and soft. Let’s see what I have time to do tomorrow. Hopefully, I can squeeze in the steaming that I wanted to do tonight.
This hair game is no joke. Taking care of my hair is just as much work as taking care of my daughters. I can’t slack off or be lazy if I expect to hit my goal length. See you for my next weekly update.
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