Summer is almost here! I need to set my hair up to thrive during the next few months by figuring out my June hair goals. My summer regimen is a little different from my normal regimen. My hair needs a little more TLC during the summer months because I’m out in the sun and doing a bit more. I am sooo ready to hit the pool this weekend!
1. Install Havana Twist – I spent last summer doing Havana Twist for clients but I never had a chance to put them in for myself. Well, I’m going to do it this year for sure! I just have to make sure to make them bigger so they don’t weigh my hair down when I run or co-wash.
2. Co-wash 2xs per week – During the summer I work out more and I have to keep my scalp clean. I’m a hugger and I’m not about that stinky scalp life. I don’t want to hug someone and they are like, “Eww! When is the last time she washed her hair?” Plus, a clean scalp is necessary for hair growth.
3. Moisturize 3xs per week – I like to up my moisture during the summer because I’m cleaning my hair more. I’m prone to dryness and I have to stay on top of my moisture levels.
4. Length Check – I haven’t posted a length check since February and I cut my hair right after that length check. So I need to see where I am now once my hair is straightened. My new length goal is Tailbone Length (TBL). I think I can get there by the end of the year unless I decide to cut my texlaxed ends off and go natural.
5. Color My Hair – Can I tell you that my grey hairs in the front are waving at people again? Yes, they are being super friendly and I have to nip that right now.
So, that’s pretty much what I have planned to accomplish for the month. I have a few other things I need to work on but those are the core things that I really need to do for the month.
Do you have any hair or beauty goals for the month? What are they?
Havana twists should be fun. Summer is definitely the time for them. The cowashing and moisturizing seem on point maybe one more co-wash depending on how much exercise for the week. Excitedly waiting on the length check. Girl, I just finished with some Nupur henna this morning before work. I’m wearing a wig right now, so I didn’t do my indigo this time. Maybe next month.
My goals – getting this new breakage patch under control and getting crochet braids. I plan on doing them myself. I want to spend a couple of days prepping the hair into curls to make the install go quicker.
Installing the crochet braids should help get that spot back in order. I’m still working on the length check. I’ve blow dried and am now about to start flat ironing. I have to cut one more time to get rid of the last bit of unevenness from the haircut last year.