I do not know what happened but it seems like I got bit by the recording bug. I’ve been busy editing videos for the Just Tiki channel Just Tiki channel. Anywho, I wanted to share my last wash day experience and the latest video I posted on YouTube, Totally Twisted Hair Bun.
My wash day was uneventful and I am quite happy about that considering what happened for my last one. Yes, I haven’t washed my hair since my last wash day video and post. I can’t believe I went that long without shampooing my scalp, but I did. Let me tell you my scalp was on fire. I thought Cherrelle (my hair) had an attitude. Humph! Try my scalp that hasn’t been washed in two weeks. I don’t know how this worked before my healthy hair journey but it is definitely not working now. I think my scalp is a touch spoiled. LOL!
Anyway, here is the process and a peek at my totally twisted hair bun tutorial. I washed my hair in four ponytails to prevent any tangling. Most of the products are staples that have been a part of my hair regimen for years
Below are my wash day deets.
- Pre-poo: I applied a liberal amount of grapeseed oil to my hair and scalp.
- Detangle: I finger detangled after applying the oil. I only saw a few shed hairs. Love it!
- Shampoo: I’ve used a few hair products including gels and hair sprays in the last week. So, I decided to use my Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo. Plus, I really wanted to make sure my scalp was clean.
- Deep Condition: I wanted moisture without protein. I decided to use (affiliate link) Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner. I mixed the triple moisture with a cap full of hemp oil.
- Leave-ins: I applied Giovanni’s Direct Leave-In Conditioner and sealed it with Pura D’or Argan Oil. I air-dried using my Curly Tee.
I joined the #washdayexperience this week and the theme for the week is buns. I thought this was perfect timing because I just posted my twisted hair bun tutorial.
Totally Twisted Hair Bun Tutorial
Well, that’s all my deets for this week. I hope you enjoyed my Totally Twisted Bun Tutorial. Be sure to give it a try and tag me on Instagram @justtikib. I would love to see your results.
Love this simple, straight-to-the-point wash day and bun! The bun is sooo cute! Perfect for this hot, humid weather.
Thank you! It really is super simple.
The Giovanni Direct leave in is heaven sent for me and always leaves me with awesome wash day results!
Adorable Ms. Lady
I definitely know what you’re talking about when your scalp acts up after 2 weeks of no water. It is NOT good at all. The struggles of having a spoiled scalp
I love the bun!
Thank you! It’s so easy
I used to ADORE NTM Daily Deep Conditioner but I’m so heavy handed that one jar would only last 2-3 wash days. 🙁
Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!
KLP | SavingOurStrands
I used to be seriously heavy handed. I’m learning to tone it down a bit b/c my hair cost me too much in products otherwise. LOL
Just discovered your blog and channel! Totally loving it so far:) That twisted bun is everything!
Oh thank you! You made my day! 🙂
Being that it is 9:30 here and already 85 degrees here, I am so going to give this one a whirl. Thanks 🙂
Awesome! Let me know how it turns out.