Ladies, don’t you wish your body was like a car and you could just replace parts as they break down or give you trouble? Well, hold on! Umm…OK, so there are some parts that can be replaced but you know what I mean. If I could trade in my whole reproductive system for a new one, I would be all over it quickly fast. When I was younger, my period used to incapacitate me. Seriously! The first few days of my cycle, I could barely move. I was probably the only 12 year old taking real pain meds for my period. No Bueno! Not to mention those embarrassing accidents. What? I know I’m not the only one who had that happen and had to tie something around my waist.
Now that I’m older, I refuse to let my period hold me back. I missed out on so much life while I was balled up with my heating pad. I’m seriously all about having power over my period. Like seriously, thanks, Eve! *insert sarcasm* One thing that I did to get out and about was to ditch the maxi pads. I was so happy when I found tampons because I swear; my period always came at the wrong time of the month. Can you imagine being on yours every year for your birthday?
I made up my mind to get the most out of life and to stay active during that time of the month. I still run, swim, and go out with friends. I simply pre-plan and pack accordingly. Tampax Pocket Pearl makes it easy to not only take tampons with me for those unexpected periods, but also for runs with the girls or nights out. My running bag is mesh but thanks to the discreet packaging of the Tampax Pocket Pearl, people don’t notice that I’m toting around tampons in my bag.
Now, there are a few things that I like to do at home during my period to keep my energy up and my attitude positive and feisty.
I always make sure to stay hydrated. I hold water like a dam. So the best way to reduce the bloat and release my inner Shamu is to drink plenty of water. I always say, “Find a cute little water bottle that you don’t mind carrying around and go for it!” Seriously, I have several different water bottles that I take with me. No joke! I have a water bottle collection. Don’t judge me!
While we are talking about odd things that I like to do and would totally recommend, I love to take nice hot baths. Give me an awesome scented bath bomb and I’m in. I love scents that are meant to relax because let’s face it, that time of the month can be a little stressful. I’m just sayin’.
If your skin is like mine, you can understand this next tip. I apply a mask while I’m relaxing in the tub. For some reason, I get that one super disrespectful pimple right around my mouth, and it tends to show up a day or two beforehand. According to the face maps that I’ve seen, the location of the pimple is an indication of some type of hormonal imbalance or issue. You don’t say? Hmm…
While I’m telling my secrets, I honestly feel bad for whoever decides to show up until at my door during bath time. Let me tell you, I’m a sight to behold. I answer the door with a face mask, a super thick white robe (clutching the front like it’s my best pair of pearls), and my Big Bird bedroom slippers. Yes, I have Big Bird slippers, as seen here. I have no shame! LOL!
While I couldn’t trade in my bits and pieces all those years ago, I could trade in my tampon. I started using Tampax Pearl Tampons when they first came out and I’ve never looked back. Even with my crazy period, the Tampax Pocket Pearl has me covered for anything I decide to get into or try out. Girl, grab those tampons in the bag, and let’s go!
wow, i need to eat mote chocolate to have a nice skin and look younger
I really just need chocolate!!!!!!!!
I have literally no energy during my time of the month! I just lay on the couch with chocolate things and Netflix…
Cute water bottles for the win! I have a stash of them too.
I needed chocolate and peace & quiet back in my days. I’m glad you’ve found ways to be more comfortable.
Yes, we all have our ways of coping with our period and other issues. Thank goodness even when I’m bombarded with other people’s unhappiness, I can still move forward and keep it all together.
I need one of those bkr bottles for when I’m out and about.
I love it for water and umm…other things. 🙂
Yessss- hot baths during ANY time that I’m in pain or stressed or tired or anything…they are a temporary cure all, haha.
Yes! A hot bath makes everything better. LOL When my girls were younger, I would go hop in the tub and hide out. That was until they decided to come in anyway and sit on the edge of the tub to talk. LOL
Running always got rid of my cramps 👍🏻