Oh man, this heat-free challenge is a breeze! I have my styles mapped out and so far, Cherrelle (my hair) is cooperating. In my last wash day post, I mentioned that I was braiding my hair up to wig it as my no heat hairstyling option for this week. In case you missed it, I am co-hosting this month’s 30-day heat-free challenge. My hair definitely needed a break because I have been going hard with the heat lately. My last heat usage was a few days before the challenge started to do my length check for next week.
Someone asked if you can see a difference after only a month of no heat. Yes, you can see a difference if you are taking proper care of your hair in addition to removing heat. However, if you are using bad hair care practices and you remove heat, you will not see a big difference in the health of your hair. The challenge is not only to minimize heat but to rethink your regimen to make any necessary adjustments. I’m not preaching…IJS
Anywho, my braids are not the prettiest or perfect, but they get the job done. I braid my hair the same way each time I wear a wig because this pattern allows me to wear long or short wigs. Plus, I can’t braid my hair in a beehive to save my life. I can do it for other people but not for myself.
I braid the back going up in a zig-zag pattern and the front straight back. The front of the braid starts off skinnier than the center.
After I finish braiding my hair, I section the braids off and style them into two plaits. I twist the plaits up and normally I would sew them down. I didn’t this time because I am only leaving the in for one week.
If you notice, I place the bulk of the hair in the center of my head because it’s easier for me to hide in shorter wigs. Yeah, I’ve been feeling my short wigs lately. I think I will style this one up and record a few videos on it. I just have to find the tag for her because I know someone will ask. Y’all know I’m horrible about knowing a wig’s name. I gots ta do better.
This is how my hair looks when I have on a short wig. Please excuse the wig. I didn’t curl it.
If you want to see other wigs I’ve worn over the years, check out my protective styling with wigs post.
Wigs are my fave no heat hairstyling option. What is your favorite heat-free hairstyle?
I love short wigs and this one is super cute!
What wig cap are you using?
Your braids are so neat. I cannot do those for nothing.
Thanks! It’s one of my faves that I picked up from the forum